When thinking about ways to add interest to your space, consider decorative painting techniques. These include ragging, strie, faux marbling and wood graining, and Venetian plaster. You might also consider hiring a fine artist who specializes in murals and “trompe l’oeil” (“fool the eye” with its realism).
While trained craftsmen can apply stucco and Venetian plasters and even paint graphic designs in your space, muralists are fine artists with years of training and experience. Often their work is underappreciated and, if found in a newly purchased home, are often painted over without much thought. Although tastes (and quality of art product) differ, don’t forget that the money spent on the artwork’s production is an added value to the home – give it a chance to grow on you!

One of our favorite local artists is Steve Dueño. He has been creating beautiful art for local homeowners, businesses and museums for years. He was recently called in by ACC’s Florence Jones when her client needed a match for her painted marble moulding and chair rail following a renovation. Steve did a great job, making a seamless match. Also pictured below are other examples of his work.
Stephen Dueño was interested in art as a kid, drawing and painting from an early age. He worked as a sign painter’s assistant in his teens and after high school started taking art classes at the Prince George’s Community College in Maryland. He worked as a house painter in his early twenties and joined the painters Union and worked for large unionized paint shops in the DC area. Although he had many years experience in art making, it was while working in these shops that he learned to do fine finishes, lacquering, spraying, faux finishing, gilding and other fine finishes.
In his late twenties Stephen went on to full time college, working his way through and eventually gaining a Masters degree in art from The Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore Md. While still in school he launched a mural and decorative painting business called – Steve’s Murals and Faux Finishes. Thirty years later he’s still at it. Contact Steve at 703-217-1101 or email at ddueno@cs.com

Other ways to add unique large format features to your home are custom printed wallpapers. Check out local artist casartcoverings.com and sites like spoonflower.com or on Etsy.com
ACC encourages support of artists (especially local): we need their creativity in our lives! Florence Jones and Susan Mintz (ACC Co-Founders ) also enjoy painting projects. Florence (America’s Color Consultants – DC Metro) recently was asked to restore a faux-finished sink surround and faucet that the client loved. She’s also handpainted a bench to grace a client’s foyer and stenciled her bathroom vinyl floor, among other projects! contact Florence at 703-725-6871, or email at florence@AmericasColorConsultants.com

Susan (America’s Color Consultants-Malibu) has been painting and decorating old, forlorn wood dressers, tables and vanities for the past several years in addition to paint color consulting. She’s thrilled to be using the training she received at the Torpedo Factory years ago in decorative painting techniques, including faux wood graining and stone looks. She combines these techniques with the beautiful decorative elements available on the market to elevate painted furniture to pieces of art. Contact Susan at 703-362-3131 or email at susan@AmericasColorConsultants.com