Using Monochromatic Paint Colors
Color can do wonderful things to a space. Using a single bold stroke of one color can help to unify various architectural textures and surfaces, like brick walls and bead board ceilings. A monochromatic color scheme can also help one’s eye see the “geometry” of a space by breaking up vertical planes. Varying levels of light will reflect brightness and shade walls and corners thus changing the range of color intensity.
Using a monochromatic scheme need not be boring when a range of colors, from softly tinted to deeply saturated hues of the same color are chosen within a single room, or an entire house. Activate the space with outlines of white painted trim work, and punctuate the decor with repeated use of black or a complimentary accent color.
A single-toned environment also provides the opportunity to use pattern and texture in decorative textiles, rugs, accessories.